Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A Life Isn't a Story

One day I'll tell you what these scars mean to me, to you they're just a past that you never could see, but to me they mean more than just a past story. A life is more than just a story.

Every smile I've ever given, every line has more than just what's there. A life is more than just a story, it's layers of painted art not quite perfect, beautifully calm and dark- just a reflecting pool for you to stare. You won't always see the bottom, but babe I'll let you see this time. Each scar has a story, I'll tell you of this one tonight, just promise you'll hold my hand. This artwork ain't a Picasso but it's beautiful all the same, it's in the eyes of the beholder, they'll see the bottom layer of this beautiful disaster and you'll know I'll love you always, cause you've seen past the smile straight to the pain, but you made me laugh with your own masterpiece of life and showed me the way.

You see this new scar, it was because of you and only you, I'll live with it forever and never forget it's there because I'll always love you, it will be my reminder of our time together. No matter what new paint you put on, I'll always think you're a masterpiece maybe just a little lost and confused. But life's more than just a story, it contains more than just us, life goes on and carrys new firsts and new glues. These pieces you've shared I love forever, but you took this painting off my wall and decided you'd go use, new decisions new paints darker and no longer tinted golden blue.

A life is more than just a story, I'll always love you more with each passing day.

These bottom layers only mean what you want them to, a simple past to paint the future upon. I see the joy and happiness and the past you've tried to glue, pieces upon pieces broken in more than two by two. Your painted life colored and darkened shows the most beautiful soul this life has ever seen. It's more than just a story these emotions we feel, painted deep for others to see bleeding reds and blues. Don't let the bottom of this pool of paint scare you, it's made you You. We're becoming who we are through and through. So let's forget to peel these backs off, let's leave them to slowly heal. The paint will dry, a new brush will come, you're beautiful and that's true. A life is more than just a story, this artwork is part of you. Your life is a beautiful painting to me, you know I'll love you always.

A life is more than just a story, I'll love you more with each passing day.

Hopefully you'll understand when I tell you, I'm not who you thought I was today. See this scar? It's more than just a story, it's made me who I am tonight even though it's still brand new and shiny bright. I'm not who you may want me to be, but I'll always have my hand open for you. Tonight just hold mine, and I'll tell you the rest of this scar's story, it's a painting a life of it's own for you. The bottom of this paint pool is a different color, but you know I'll always love you.I won't hold you here for long, just tonight give me the comfort I want. I show this painting just for you, because I can't lie forever with these hidden feelings torturing me over little things. My life is more than just a story, but I painted this one for you. I love you and I'm not afraid, but I know I have to throw it all away. I can't hold you here like this for long, I'd hate it if I made you stray. I'll be ok, there's always more paint when the rainbow comes, just first let the rain wash everything away. I love you, but life just isn't a fairy tale story. A Life isn't a story, it's a beautiful painting that can never be erased.

Pages of a story can be erased, re-written, or burned. An artwork as amazing as you can't be rid of the only canvas you have to paint this life story upon. You can try to cover up the spots with more paint, you'll always know what was once there. Some let it show, some learn to hide love or pain, to each their own. But your life is this amazing painting, don't let anyone throw it away, not even yourself cause you know I'll love you always.

A life is more than just a story, you know I'll always love you just the same.

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