Sunday, March 20, 2011

Begging the Moon

Begging the Moon

I sit here begging she come back to life,
I sit here begging in denial every night.
I sit here and sit here.
I sit here...

I sit here under pale moonlight asking god why?
Why, as I cry to the moon,
a lone wolf begging for a tune.
I am without harmony,
no chorus nor chords,
no lines to speak or sing.
I have nothing to live by.
I sit here crying, wondering why?

Would she hear me if I called her name?
Would she heed my pleading shame,
would she hold me if she only knew my pain?
I sit here and sit here asking god why oh why?
It seems tonight I'll never figure out why
no matter how hard I try.

God take care of her alright?
She left and took my heart tonight,
its gone with no beat or sound.
There's no more drum anymore
no bar lines to guide my life.

There's no more music in me,
I begged you pleased
now I ask you merely take care
of an Angel up there tonight.
She has my heart and soul,
watch them well
as I am left down here to miserably dwell.

My guide is only the light
from the darkest skies
from the reflections that once knew your face.
I look up to the moon
tears dried upon my face.
I think I see you up there
but I don't dare look.
My head hangs low
in my crying shame.

I am a lone wolf wandering the night,
its voice captured but cried under moonlight.
If you listen close you'll hear my pain
as I wander through life's forest
in denial for all eternal nights and days.

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